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Media release from FSANZ 25/02/2021
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) announced new requirements for allergen labelling on packaged foods.
The changes to the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code) will help ensure mandatory food allergen declarations are clear and consistent so that consumers have the information they need to make safe food choices.
The requirements include:
the declaration of allergen information in a specific format and location on food labels
the use of simple, plain English terms for allergen declarations.
FSANZ CEO Mark Booth said the new requirements take effect from today following gazettal in the Code.
“The Code requires certain foods or substances to be declared on labels when they are present in food.
“These foods or substances can cause severe allergic reactions including anaphylaxis in some people.
“The changes will help consumers to read and interpret allergen information more quickly and easily.
“This is good news for anyone with a food allergy and will assist people to make informed and safe food choices.
“From today, businesses have a 3 year transition period to comply with the new requirements.”
During the transition period, food businesses can comply with either the existing allergen declaration requirements in the Code, or the new requirements.
Any food packaged and labelled before the end of the transition period under existing allergen declaration requirements may be sold for up to 2 years after the end of the transition period.
More information
Read more about Proposal P1044 – Plain English Allergen Labelling
FSANZ Media contact: 0401 714 265 (Australia) or +61 401 714 265 (from New Zealand)